Tkinter Window and Basic Widgets


Tkinter Window and Basic Widgets

Tk()Creates the main window of the application.
mainloop()Starts the Tkinter event loop.
title(string)Sets the title of the window.
geometry(string)Sets the dimensions of the window.
resizable(width, height)Determines whether the window can be resized.
Label(master, text="")Creates a label widget.
Button(master, text="", command=None)Creates a button widget.
Entry(master)Creates a single-line text entry widget.
Text(master)Creates a multi-line text entry widget.
Frame(master)Creates a container for organizing widgets.
Canvas(master)Creates a canvas widget for drawing.

Widget Configuration and Grid Management

pack()Packs the widget into the window (default packing).
grid(row, column)Places the widget in a specific row and column in the grid layout.
place(x, y)Places the widget at an absolute position.
config(option=value)Configures widget options.
bind(event, handler)Binds an event to a handler function.
columnconfigure(index, option=value)Configures column options in a grid.
rowconfigure(index, option=value)Configures row options in a grid.

Event Handling and Widget Methods

bind(event, handler)Binds an event to a widget.
unbind(event)Unbinds an event from a widget.
after(ms, callback)Calls the callback after a specified time in milliseconds.
after_cancel(id)Cancels a scheduled callback.
destroy()Destroys a widget.
focus()Sets focus on a widget.
grab_set()Directs all events to this widget.
grab_release()Releases the grab on the widget.

Common Widget Options

textSets the text displayed by the widget.
bg or backgroundSets the background color.
fg or foregroundSets the foreground (text) color.
fontSets the font type, size, and style.
widthSets the width of the widget.
heightSets the height of the widget.
commandSets the function to be called when the widget is used (e.g., button click).
stateSets the state of the widget (e.g., normal, disabled).

Advanced Widgets

Menu(master)Creates a menu widget.
Menubutton(master)Creates a menubutton widget.
Checkbutton(master, text="", variable=var)Creates a checkbutton widget.
Radiobutton(master, text="", variable=var, value=val)Creates a radiobutton widget.
Scale(master, from_, to)Creates a slider widget.
Listbox(master)Creates a listbox widget.
Scrollbar(master)Creates a scrollbar widget.
OptionMenu(master, variable, *values)Creates a dropdown menu.
Spinbox(master, from_, to)Creates a spinbox widget.
PanedWindow(master)Creates a paned window widget.
LabelFrame(master, text="")Creates a labeled frame widget.
Message(master, text="")Creates a message widget.
Toplevel(master)Creates a new window (dialog).

This table provides a broad overview of Tkinter commands and options for creating and managing widgets within a Tkinter application. For detailed usage, the official Tkinter documentation should be referred to.


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